
Creates a migrations file or runs migrations from the migrations file.

  • Migrate packages and create migrations.json (e.g., nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@latest)
  • Run migrations (e.g., nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json). Use flag --if-exists to run migrations only if the migrations file exists.


nx migrate [packageAndVersion]

Install nx globally to invoke the command directly using nx, or use npx nx, yarn nx, or pnpm nx.


Update all Nx plugins to "latest". This will generate migrations.json:

nx migrate latest

Update all Nx plugins to "9.0.0". This will generate migrations.json:

nx migrate 9.0.0

Update @nrwl/workspace and generate the list of migrations starting with version 8.0.0 of @nrwl/workspace and @nrwl/node, regardless of what is installed locally:

nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@9.0.0 --from="@nrwl/workspace@8.0.0,@nrwl/node@8.0.0"

Update @nrwl/workspace to "9.0.0". If it tries to update @nrwl/react or @nrwl/angular, use version "9.0.1":

nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@9.0.0 --to="@nrwl/react@9.0.1,@nrwl/angular@9.0.1"

Update another-package to "12.0.0". This will update other packages and will generate migrations.json file:

nx migrate another-package@12.0.0

Collect package updates and migrations in interactive mode. In this mode, the user will be prompted whether to apply any optional package update and migration:

nx migrate latest --interactive

Collect package updates and migrations starting with version 14.5.0 of "nx" (and Nx first-party plugins), regardless of what is installed locally, while excluding migrations that should have been applied on previous updates:

nx migrate latest --from=nx@14.5.0 --exclude-applied-migrations

Run migrations from the provided migrations.json file. You can modify migrations.json and run this command many times:

nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json

Create a dedicated commit for each successfully completed migration. You can customize the prefix used for each commit by additionally setting --commit-prefix="PREFIX_HERE ":

nx migrate --run-migrations --create-commits



Type: string

Default: chore: [nx migration]

Commit prefix to apply to the commit for each migration, when --create-commits is enabled


Type: boolean

Default: false

Automatically create a git commit after each migration runs


Type: boolean

Default: false

Exclude migrations that should have been applied on previous updates. To be used with --from


Type: string

Use the provided versions for packages instead of the ones installed in node_modules (e.g., --from="@nrwl/react@12.0.0,@nrwl/js@12.0.0")


Type: boolean

Show help


Type: boolean

Default: false

Run migrations only if the migrations file exists, if not continues successfully


Type: boolean

Default: false

Enable prompts to confirm whether to collect optional package updates and migrations


Type: string

The target package and version (e.g, @nrwl/workspace@13.0.0)


Type: string

Execute migrations from a file (when the file isn't provided, execute migrations from migrations.json)


Type: string

Use the provided versions for packages instead of the ones calculated by the migrator (e.g., --to="@nrwl/react@12.0.0,@nrwl/js@12.0.0")


Type: boolean

Show version number